The RI Developmental Disabilities Council is in the process of writing our new 5 Year State Plan (2016-2021). We want to know what YOU think is important in the lives of people with developmental disabilities and their families in RI.
The Council is federally funded to support policies and practice that promote systems change for the full inclusion and participation of people with developmental disabilities in all aspects of community life in RI. We are involved with and support capacity building initiatives that promote and improve self-determination, productivity, inclusion and independence of people with disabilities to live a good quality life. Councils design 5-year state plans that address new ways of improving service delivery.
The Council’s State Plan identifies “Areas of Emphasis” that relate to Goals from the following:
- Quality Assurance
- Education and Early Intervention
- Child Care
- Employment
- Housing
- Transportation
- Recreation
- Formal and Informal Community Supports
Please provide us with your ideas and feedback on what “Areas of Emphasis” you would like to see the Council get involved with over the next five years in RI.
We need people to share their thoughts. That is how we can work together to build capacity to improve the full inclusion of people with developmental disabilities in all aspects of community living in RI.
Send your comments BY EMAIL or give us a call at 737-1238.