
The RIDDC is committed to ensuring that people with disabilities in Rhode Island have fair and equitable access to being able to exercise their right to vote in accordance with the Help America Vote Act (HAVA) as well as pursuing opportunities to run for office and advocate for themselves at a State level. You can learn more about HAVA below.

Below, we have included some links to help you register to vote and learn about your rights to an accessible voting experience.

Voting and Advocating for Change

The timely topics of “voting” and “Advocating for Change” in our laws was presented recently at the RI Cross Disabilities Coalition’s meeting at Red, White & Brew in Warwick. The featured guest speaker was RIDDC’s Executive Director, Kevin Nerney. From a tutorial on voting, including current issues, to the basics of testifying on behalf of an important bill at the State House, this video addresses the importance of advocacy in a casual setting.

How Bills become Law; How to Testify at State House
In this segment of Community Forum, RIDDC Executive Director, Kevin Nerney hosts an informal discussion on the process by which a bill is handled through the House and Senate, including the process of testifying as an advocate for an organization, such as the RI Developmental Disabilities Council. Guests Robert Marshall, government/public affairs consultant, and Christina Battista, Supported Employment Skills Coordinator, discuss the entire process from idea to draft legislation to final vote. For a behind the scenes look at the legislative session, including the logistics and practical tips you may want to know before you arrive to testify, watch this segment of Community Forum and learn about the legislative process and how to more effectively make your voice heard.

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