Volunteerism is integral to the success of any organization. The First Annual “Making A Difference Community Service Award”of the RIDDC has been developed to honor persons who are making significant contributions to the mission of the Council through their time, actions, talents and dedication. The individuals selected serve as an important role model for compassion, initiative, teamwork and service always striving to make the world a better place for people with disabilities.

Claudia Lowe; Kevin Nerney, Director; Sue Babin; and Bob Killian
Sue Babin, Special Projects Coordinator, RIDDC, presented the first time awardto recognize the significant contribution of two incredible RIDDC Council members, Bob Killian and Claudia Lowe,who generously committed their time, talents and passion to bring a dream to reality, who went beyond typical actions and time of most people who volunteer and made a lasting contribution and impact in the area of self-employment for people with disabilities.
Bob and Claudia have demonstrated dedication and commitment through their consistent volunteer efforts over the last few years as members of the Council and Systems Advocacy Committee (SAC) to promote a highly successful and now signature event of the Council… “Small Business Saturday SHOP RI” as well as RIDDC’s latest efforts to provide people with disabilities the tools they need through business development classes and individual TA to help people to start their own businesses and for their businesses to grow and be successful.
Bob and Claudia have spent endless hours at Committee meetings and on nights and weekends on their own time and without hesitation took the initiative to get things done. Even more important than the time they spent on Council work is the significant outcomes of their volunteer efforts… to strengthen the spirit of young entrepreneurs to believe in themselves, to position and build “SBSSHOPRI” as a outstanding event and even more important is the benefits their work has had on the mission of the Council for social inclusion…to reshape the perspectives and values of the general public to see people with disabilities as people first, that all lives are interconnected, to recognize the contributions of new business owners who have disabilities and the impact their businesses have on economic development in RI!
Bob Killian and Claudia Lowe exemplify the true meaning of “Volunteerism”, have really made a difference and contributed to measurable change in RI as a result of their passion, ideas, community connections and actions. On behalf of the Council we want present this “Making a Difference Outstanding Community Service Award” and thank Bob and Claudia for all of their hard work and commitment!