RI violates civil rights of children with behavioral health disabilities. “An utter void in crisis services”
Below, please read an excerpt of the original article, which can be found here.
United States Attorney Zachary A. Cunha District of Rhode Island held a press conference yesterday to announce that the state of Rhode Island – and DCYF, specifically – has violated federal civil rights laws by “routinely and unnecessarily segregating children with mental health and/or developmental disabilities”. The violations note the placement of children at Bradley Hospital, for periods of time long passed recommended guidelines.
The report leaves the situation for these children, particular young girls, out in the open for the state, with adequate funding, staffing, and program options for severely in-need children demanding immediate attention. A response from the state, according to Cunha, must come in 10 days.
State of Rhode Island Found to be in Violation of Federal Disability Laws for Over-Hospitalization of Children with Behavioral Disabilities in State Care
RI Developmental Disabilities Council response
In response to RINewsToday’s request last night, Kevin Nerney, Esq., Executive Director, RI Developmental Disabilities Council issued this statement:
“Unnecessary institutionalization in hospitals, rather than supports and care in the community, continue to violate the civil rights of children and adults with disabilities. The news today from the Department of Justice is not unexpected. The Developmental Disabilities Council, working with our DD Act partners (Disability Rights Rhode Island – DRRI and the Sherlock Center on Disabilities) have identified Olmstead violations in Rhode Island and we know DRRI has been involved in ongoing investigations of these Olmstead violations. Based on this, we have advocated for the state to correct these injustices with an Olmstead plan. For far too many years the state has delayed the planning and implementation of an Olmstead plan. This must be addressed immediately.”