The RI Developmental Disabilities Council has a New Logo!
Executive Director Mary Okero and Special Projects Coordinator Sue Babin brainstormed various graphic ideas and came up with the sailboat and ocean components for the Logo to reflect RI as the Ocean State and the Tag Line… “Charting a New Course” to compliment the Purpose and Mission of the Council.
“We wanted a New Logo to position the Council as a visible and important statewide non-profit advocacy organization for people with disabilities and their families. We were looking for a clean, appealing and professional look to build strong brand perception for the Council,” said Mary Okero.
Website Manager Allyson DuPont worked to redesign a sailboat graphic and chose an attractive font for the Council’s name and tagline. A number of drafts were developed and shared with the various Committees of the Council for their approval.
“Everyone is really pleased with this new Logo! It’s classic look connects with the themes of RI as the Ocean State and the Council’s Mission to lead and advocate for the meaningful inclusion of people with disabilities within our local communities,”
commented Sue Babin.
the Council’s Website will also have a fresh new look soon!