Director Savage offered updates on BHDDH initiatives and community grants, the Consent Decree, Conflict Free Case Management, and welcomed questions from Council members, families, and guests.
At the meeting the RIDDC also presented the purpose and main components of the Developmental Disability Transformation Project. This new project has been funded from a BHDDH grant designed to “create sustainable change for meaningful and inclusive lives…It’s a New way of Thinking.” Project Directors, Tanja Blicker-Ucran and Sue Babin, also introduced the key people coordinating the multi-faceted plan as well as the partner organizations:
- The Cross Disabilities
- RI Developmental Disabilities Council
- Skills for RI’s Future.
RIDDC and RI Cross Disability Coalition leadership and members, as well as small business owners, family and invited guests numbered nearly fifty at the gathering. RIDDC Executive Director Kevin Nerney noted, “while we remain vigilant to our group’s health concerns, we are continuing to create community and connection – learning from, listening to and enjoying each other’s company. This evening was an ideal time to re-connect and to enjoy a celebration with friends and those with whom we work.”