The Rhode Island Public Transit Authority (RIPTA) will hold public hearings on proposed service changes in all five Rhode Island counties on May 29th, May 30th, June 3rd, June 4th, June 5th, and June 6th.

The Authority announced that the proposed changes in service statewide are a result of RIPTA’s ongoing Comprehensive Operational Analysis. These changes include proposed new routes and express services, scheduling improvements to better coordinate routes operating in the same corridor, modified route alignments, frequency changes to better match service with demand, and the discontinuation of certain routes and route segments.

The proposed changes would affect 56 regular bus routes and all Park and Ride service. Details on the proposed changes are available at Additionally, because ADA service is offered within a 3⁄4 mile corridor of fixed-route service, the paratransit ADA service that RIPTA provides through the RIde Program would be adjusted to reflect the fixed-route changes.

Click here to read more about the RIPTA hearings and find a schedule of hearing times and locations.

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