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Things You Really Should Know About!

Important Websites:

RI Cross Disability Coalition | Statewide advocacy organization

Advocates in Action | Self-advocacy organization

RI Parent Information Network

Serve RI

Sherlock Center on Disabilities

Down Syndrome Society of RI

Quality Mall | National website for resource information

Work Incentives…General Information from the Social Security Administration


10 Things For Sibs To Ask

Autism Speaks Family Services Community Connections Advocacy Toolkit | The Advocacy Tool Kit aims to help both individuals on the spectrum and their families develop and use critical advocacy and negotiation skills in order to achieve the best possible outcomes.

The Kit is broken down into the following sections:

The Case for Medicaid Self-Direction: A White Paper on Research, Practice, and Policy Opportunities

The Community of Practice for Supporting Families of Individuals with Intellectual & Developmental Disabilities | Information and a free webinar series

Connecting the Dots… A guide to finding services for people with disabilities in Rhode Island

Creating A Path To Employment | Tips for Parents of Children with Disabilities

An Introduction to Positive Behavioral Support (PBS)

This is a 6 minute YouTube video explaining the basics of Positive Behavioral Support (PBS) to find the reason behind a behavior and then help the person to find other ways to achieve what they want for their life.

Introduction to Positive Behavior Supports (PBS)

This is a 4 minute YouTube video explaining PBS from the Callahan Institute.

Parent and Educator Resource Guide to Section 504 in Public Elementary and Secondary Schools

To facilitate efforts to eliminate discrimination against students with disabilities, the Office of Civil Rights (OCR) offers this resource guide to provide answers to questions that the OCR has received and increase understanding among parents and members of the school community of the Federal civil rights laws that protect students with disabilities in public schools, and in particular, Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 (Section 504).